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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) :- (Most important for the mountain trekkers in Himalaya)

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) :- (Most important for the mountain trekkers in Himalaya)
As we ascend to high altitude (above 2,500 m / 8,200 ft), our bodies are must acclimatize to the decreasing amount of oxygen available. Failure to acclimatize will result in Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), also known as high altitude illness. Many travelers to high altitude will suffer from AMS and a few will die. It is due to decreasing atmospheric pressure and oxyzen (02) concentration.
AMS presents in two ways: 
(1) HAPE- (water freeze in the lung).
 (2) HACE- (water freeze in the brain).
HAPE: (High Altitude Pulmonary Edema): water freeze in the lungs.
Symptoms and signs:-

 (1) Breathlessness (Normal respiration rate in 6,000 m 20 breath per minute) 
(2) Dry cough 
(3) Blueness or darkness of face, lip or tongue
 (4) Tiredness 
(5) Fatigue
 (6) Coma (difficult to wake up) 
(7) Chest pain 
(8) Fever (Up to 30 Degree) 
(9) Sound in Lung 
(10) Blood strayed in sputum
HACE: (High Altitude Cerebral Edema): By the cause of water freez in the Barin.
Symptoms and signs:-

 (1) Tiredness and sever fatigue 
(2) Headache (3) Mental confusing
 (4) Nausea and vomiting 
(5) Double visual
 (6) Change in behavior
 (7) Coma-difficult to wake up.
you most know if you are in the Himalaya.

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