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Friday, November 2, 2012

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Itinerary And Map


Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu (1345 meters)
Arriving Kathmandu  meets you at the airport, transfer you to the hotel free time explore Thamel. Overnight at hotel.

Day 2: Sightseeing around Kathmandu Valley
You will meet your trekking guide, discuss the trekking program and coordinate any last-minute arrangements. After staff meeting, with our professional tour guide we visit Around Kathmandu. Rest of the time you can use for travelling around Thamel and buying needed equipment and other necessaries. Overnight at hotel.

Day 3 : Drive  to Pokhara  850m.(5-6 hours).Overnight at Hotel.

Day 4 : Drive ti Nayapul and start trek.
Trek to Tikhedhunga 1520m.  via little village on the way. You can see the local people living styal while trekking. overnight at teahouse.

Day  5 : Trek  to Ghorepani (2850 m)
Trek on trails bordered by whitewashed houses along terraced fields, oak and rhododendron forests, following the Bhurungdi River to Banthanti. We continue along the Bhurungdi River and then ascend Ulleri Hill until arriving at Ghorepani (2850 m) where we have perfect views of the entire Annapurna range and also stay overnight (6 hour walk).
Annapurna Base Camp Trekking Map

Day  6 :Hiking to Chuile
Early morning climb to Poon Hill to watch the most magnificent sunrise over the Himalayas. From west to east you can see Dhaulagiri, Tukuche, Dhampus Peak, Nilgiri, Annapurnas and Machapuchare - breathtaking! We then continue past Tadapani, trekking through open grassland and deep forests where there are excellent views of Annapurna South and the Manaslu Mountain range until we arrive in Chuile for an overnight stay (7 hour walk).

Day 7 : Trek to Sinuwa
The steep descent through a rhododendron forest to the valley bottom, and then later climb steeply before arriving at the lively trekking hub of Chomrong (2060 m). The trail after Chomrong includes several thousand steps down to the Chomrong River and then another steep climb to Sinuwa for an overnight stay (6 hour walk).

Day  8: Trek to Himalaya (2,900 m)
The morning trail through rhododendron and bamboo forest, then hiking past Bamboo and Doban with a climb before reaching Himalaya (2,900 m) for an overnight stay (6 hour walk).

Day 9 : Trek to Machapuchare Base Camp (3,600 m) via the gate of the sanctuary:first up the muddy surface of the Modi Khola, and then along a rocky trail to Hinku Cave. Today we find stupendous views of the Hiunchuli, Annapurna I & III, Gangapurna and the “fishtail” of Machapuchare peak, with an overnight stay at the camp (5 hours walk).

Day 10 : Trek to Annapurna Base Camp (4,100 m)
while we continue our exploration of the sanctuary before ascending to Annapurna Base Camp for an overnight stay (2hours walk).

Day 11 : BAMBOO (2,500m)
Retracing our steps, we return along the only route to Bamboo.

Day 12 : JHINU (1,750m) Descend to Chomrong,
continue to Jhinu hot spring where we can enjoy a hot spring bath and soothe our trekking muscles!

Day 13 : Trek to Pothana(1900m).
Walking along the river ,village and forest we go to on the top of the hill for overnight stay place called pothana.

 Day 14 : Phedi to Pokhara.
A short morning trek to pick up our vehicle for the journey to Pokhara.Rest of the day at leisure in this beautiful lakeside city.

Day 15 : Drive to Kathmandu (5-6 hrs)

Day 16 : KATHMANDU International Departure.

Please view photos
Annapurna Base camp

Mt. Annapurna

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