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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Langtang Valley Trekking

Langtang Valley

This region includes range of cultures with the main three ethnic peoples living in are the Tamangs, Yolmus and Bhotias who have originated from Tibet in the past 500 years till the mid 20th century. In a southern section of the park lies a small area of sub-tropical chestnut forest, along with unique Sal forest. The hill forest (2000-2,600m) across the southern slopes of the park consists of Chir Pine, Rhododendron, Nepalese Alder and Oak. Moving north and higher, the Mountain zone (2,600-3000m) are mainly Mountain Oak, fading to Silver Fir, Hemlock and Larch in the lower sub-alpine zone (3000-3,6000m); throughout these zones, several species of Rhododendron trees form a twisted and colourful under story, continuing higher to tree line Birch and Fir forest are the last to survive. It is here at 3,600-4000m that Juniper and Rhododendrons shrubs slowly dissolve into the expansive alpine grassland meadows. Here the elusive snow leopard is still thought to comb the alpine heights for prey. The park is also well known for its populations of red panda, Himalayan black bear, wild dog, Himalayan thar, ghoral (mountain antelope) and more than 250 species of birds.

Langtang Valley
Langtang at present is the third popular trekking area in Nepal after Annapurna and Everest region. This fabulous trek situated north of Kathmandu 60 k.m. as the crow fly, a perfect combination of moderate and vigorous walk leading to the high alpine valley with the backdrop of high snow capped peaks, in the spring this place is alive with wild flowers.
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